1. 釜石の被災現場、大只越町に「自立支援センター」を開設する。
2. ボランティアを募集します。
医師、看護士、精神的ケアのできる人。および一般の方で、破壊された個々の家の整理、整とん、ゴミの除去など環境を整えていく人。センター内部はきちんとし た部屋で、台所、トイレ、休憩所があり、ボランティア活動のできる人の無理のない日程で滞在できるようにします。食事は相談のこと。
ボランティア活動第一弾4月1日 遠野緑峰高校生徒20人、マイクロバスで移動、釜石の街のガレキを取り除きます。これは友人の加藤暁子さんの高校生リーダー塾から学びました。
「釜石市民 心も体もあったか号」は大変好評です。これは人間を回復する機会です。毎回、ドラマがあります。避難所は3週間経過すると収容所になります。日本人を称賛する記事にあった慎み深さもこのころになると、違うものになってきます。だから早く、避難所を分割して少グループにするか、親族のところへ一時行くことが大事になります。
English Version
March 27th, 2011
We went to Kamaishi on March 27th to have a meeting to set the direction of our activity. We made the following decisions in order to improve the situation of survivors and to take care of each of them:
1. To establish self-support facilities in one of the cities in Kamaishi.
Ms. Seiko Ise is appointed as field manager, and will stay there at all times to coordinate with us regarding the daily activities and conduct assistance activities practically.
We will make preparations for establishment from March 28th to 31st and will implement our activities from April 1st to March 31st.
2. To hire volunteers.
We are looking for doctors, nurses, and those who are able to implement care treatment psychologically, in addition to those who clean up the destroyed houses and garbage. There are a kitchen, bathroom, and rooms in the center. We will make the center suitable for volunteers to stay so that they can stay as long as possible. Food is an issue that needs further consultation.
The first volunteer group, 20 students from the high school in Tono, will go to Kamaishi by bus and remove rubble in the city.
Our bus tour is very popular. This is a good opportunity to recover human qualities. There are many stories going on during the tour every time. What began as a place of refuge becomes just a relocation center after 3 weeks of being displaced. Japanese modesty, which was admired in some articles, is becoming diminished. Therefore, it is becoming really important to divide groups into smaller units or to make them go to their relatives.
Everybody has started to catch a cold. When people take for granted what they are given all the time, they start to lose their appreciation. This is the border where people just follow the instinct of human beings or choose to live with dignity.
The atmosphere of our bus tour is totally different depending on the situations of the participants. There are those who lose everything including homes and properties, those who lost only the first floor of their houses, and those who have all family members safe, but living separated in different shelters.
The only thing I can say is that everybody has a different facial expression before and after joining the tour.
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