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「台所用品 4トン車1台提供へ」


English Version:
April 27th, 2011

An offer of a 4 ton truck full of kitchen ware.

On April 27th at 7:30m, Noda Kazukiyo san of the Noda Porcelain Enamel in Tokyo Edogawa Ward arrived here at the Tono Kazegaoka centre with 300 sets of porcelain enamel kitchen ware sets.

People have started moving into temporary housing in Tono. A total of 5000 units are going to be provided. A city official stated that there is enough housing for all.

For 77 years, Noda Porcelain Enamel has been providing excellent items such as food containers, kettles, tea pots, coffee pots, pots, saucepans, and cups, and is immensely trusted by consumers.

The company representatives arrived in Kamaishi City at 9:30am to hand the kitchen ware sets to the mayor. The items are to be temporarily kept in the Osano elementary and junior high schools and will be given away to 300 households via volunteers of the Kamaishi and Tono congregation on May 3rd.

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仮設住宅に入る時もできるだけ、コミュニティーごとに入れれば、安心という心の安定をいただけると思いますが、、、 どこまで考慮できるか。


English Version:

April 26th, 2011

"Last tour of the hot springs"

On April 26th, we conducted the last hot spring tour to warm up the hearts and bodies of affected people. This time, 40 people joined the tour, mainly those working in the fishing industry from Matsubara City and Kiishi City. One of the good aspects of this tour is that I can see how differently people were devastated from area to area. I also learn the current situation listening to their conversation. Today's participants lost everything including fishing boats and jobs; however, they are very patient in spite of their deep depression. The only hope I can see is in their sense of community. They expressed their delight in being to meet each other once again on the bus.

"Persistence" is said to be in the character of people from the Tohoku area, and I totally agree with it today. Although there is no leader, they cleaned up their bowls and plates after they ate. I was moved by their attitude of just doing their common practice in an ordinary way.
I think they would feel safe if they could move to temporary shelters as a community, but I wonder how much this can be considered.

I don't know whether it is owing to our activities or not, but I heard that Kamaishi City will be setting up a specialized service sector for hot springs.

Thanks to your support, I was able to conduct the tour seven times to allow more than 300 people to enjoy it. 

German Version

26. April 2011

„Letzte Tour zu den heißen Quellen“

Am 26. April leiten wir die letzte heiße Quellen Tour um die Herzen und Körper der betroffenen Menschen aufzuwärmen. Dieses Mal nehmen 40 Leute daran teil; hauptsächlich diejenigen, die in der Fischindustrie von Matsubara City und Kiishi City arbeiten. Einer der positiven Aspekte dieser Tour ist, dass ich sehen kann, wie unterschiedlich die Gebiete verwüstet worden sind. Außerdem erfahre ich etwas über die aktuelle Situation, indem ich ihren Gesprächen lausche. Die Teilnehmer heute haben alles inklusiv ihren Fischerbooten und Jobs verloren. Trotz ihrer tiefen Depressionen sind sie sehr geduldig. Die einzige Hoffnung, die ich sehen kann, ist ihr Zusammengehörigkeitsgefühl. Sie haben ihre Erleichterung, einander zu sehen, ein weiteres Mal im Bus geäußert.

„Beharrlichkeit“ sagt man, prägt den Charakter der Menschen des Tohoku Gebietes und ich stimme ihnen heute vollkommen zu. Obwohl es keinen Leiter gibt, haben sie heute ihre Schüsseln und Teller gewaschen, nachdem sie gegessen hatten. Ich war bewegt von dieser Einstellung, ihre üblichen Gewohnheiten in einem alltäglichen Weg fortzusetzen.

Ich denke, sie würden sich sicher fühlen, wenn sie in ihre vorübergehenden Unterbringungen als Gemeinschaft ziehen könnten, aber ich frage mich in wie weit dies in Erwägung gezogen werden kann.

Ich weiß nicht, ob es infolge unserer Aktivitäten ist oder nicht, aber ich habe gehört, dass Kamaishi City einen speziellen Dienstleistungssektor einrichten wird für die heißen Quellen.

Vielen Dank für eure Unterstützung, es war mir möglich die Tour sieben Mal zu leiten und sie so mehr als 300 Menschen genießen zu lassen.


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English Version:

April 25th, 2011

In the municipal gym and the gyms of junior and senior high schools, people are living and creating a communities of about 100 to 200 people, just as they used to do in their hometowns. In Kamaishi especially, the population ageing rate is the highest in the afflicted Sanriku Coast area. The huge tsunami forced many people to close their businesses, and this seems to cause premature ageing. I am always thinking through my activities about the true meaning of what it is to be self-reliant.

Every person grows old according to each true drama they have lived. The evacuees move their bodies only when they eat or go to restrooms. What are they doing at other times? People become depressed when they do nothing but be obsessed with grief. We gave a sewing kit to an old lady who said that she wanted to do some handiwork. She started making a bag to cover a box of tissues. Shirasu san reported that the lady soon had a bright smile and seemed to recover from depression.

Ageing causes external and functional deterioration. To prevent both mental and physical functional decline, people should not retire from the front line of daily activities and depend on someone else. How about asking them to weed around the gym or plant flowers until they move to temporary housing. While people are able to think and move, to remain useless to prepare even their own meals for 27 days will just accelerate ageing.

No one should abandon their ability to take action, to be intellectual, and to be decisive. Everyone must fight to live.

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青森県弘前市から10人、釜石へ参上していただきました。「巨大アップルパイ ギネスに挑戦する会」新戸部さんが会長を努める、ユニークな方々です。

English Version:
April 24th, 2011

10 people came to Kamaishi from Hirosaki City, Aomori. They are unique members of The Association of Making Huge Apple Pies to Challenge the Guinness Book of Records.

The apple pie they baked is the largest in Japan: it is 2m 50cm in diameter and made with 400 apples. We set up the facility to bake it for 3 hours and gave the fresh, hot pie to the affected people. We gave a total of 1800 pieces of pie over 2 days. Everybody enjoyed tasting it in Kamaishi Junior High School and Ogawa gymnastic hall. We served pie to the local officials of Kamaishi City including the deputy Mayor and received their appreciation. On the way back home, they enjoyed my ice cream. I cannot help but appreciate those who support us by bringing all the necessary equipment by 4-ton truck. New meetings like this bring human chemical reactions to help Japan keep moving forward. Japanese strength is the strength of each one of us.

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English Version:
April 23rd, 2011

Many people from various fields come to support the Self Support Center.

On April 23, Sirasu Noriko san, with whom I will work for the milk project in Africa, visited us to bring paintings from Haiti with Ishikawa san, an art gallery owner. The paintings are being brought in order to connect Haiti and Kamaishi, both places having been totally devastated by earthquakes. We will celebrate Easter with these brightly colored paintings. One painting is in the church in Kamaishi and the other is in the dining room of the Self Support Center. I want to bring new winds all the time with these paintings. I plan to conduct a Haiti art exhibition this autumn and to ask the Sisters, who have engaged in aid activities in Haiti, to have some seminars in Kamaishi. This is the second time for Shirasu san to come to the devastated area. I would like her to report the actual situation to the authorities to help contribute to a vision of the Japanese plan.

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その思いを受けて、四川飯店 陳建一さん総勢9名が被災地のど真ん中で腕をふるっていただきました。



English Version:

April 22nd, 2011

Desire to serve delicious Mabo tofu to the evacuees in Kamaishi

To cater to such passion, Chin Kenichi san and 8 other cooks from Szechwan Restaurant came and demonstrated their cooking skills right in the middle of the site.

Chin Kenichi san, Chin Kentaro san, executive chef Komoda san, chief cook Suzuki san, and several other famed cooks who represent the Chinese culinary field served Mabo Tofu (stir-fried tofu in hot sauce), Chinese rice bowl, corn soup, mango pudding, bottled chili oil, and soda water one by one offering warm words. The people of Kamaishi really appreciated this care. City official Hirota san said in appreciation, "Chin san is the first person to visit and cook at this disaster site. We are truly grateful for what he has done for us."

They prepared 200 meals on the 21st, but as an unexpected number of people came, the next day they served dishes for 400 people, including 100 to encourage evacuees in Senjuin. We really thank Szechwan Restaurant. They went back on 2 4-ton trucks taking back their garbage as well, showing us a true volunteer attitude. The people who enjoyed the dishes said that they really cheered up.

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鎌倉より吉川千香さん、渡辺さんご夫妻、建築設計学校の生徒 計8人、釜石・自立支援センターボランティアに参加しました。



English Version:

April 21st, 2011

8 people including Yoshikawa Chika san from Kamakura, Mr. and Mrs. Watanabe, and students of an architectural design school, came to the Kamaishi Self Support Center to volunteer.

Yoshikawa san owns a home-style restaurant, Chez Cibio, in Kamakura. Checking out the ingredients, she soon planned the menu and made original dishes. The staff were really relieved. Her power to make 30 meals was overwhelming.

Watanabe san teaches architectural design. He was shocked when he stepped into Otsuchi. There has been less progress in recovering the bodies in Otsuchi and that sometimes forced us to stop removing rubble. We leave such cases to the Self-Defense Force, the police, and doctors.

When we discuss whether reconstruction and recovery is progressing or delaying, we shouldn't forget that situations of each site differs according to the land area. Just as the thickness and taste of edible seaweeds of the Ria Coast area vary form gulf to gulf according to the difference of the salt level and wave power, the power of the tsunamis were not the same. It's useless to talk averaging everything. Rubble has been removed from the roads and alleys of Kamaishi, and are passable. Public baths have reopened.

Rubble piled on both sides of roads has been loaded onto trucks using backhoes. The roads are much wider now.


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The Brigate of Bakers」にfacebookを通じて緒方香代子さ、川島みさこさんが参戦。この2人ル・コンドン・ブルーの卒業生。同じ釜のメシを食う仲間が夜通しパンづくり。

English Version:
Great Eastern Earthquake, Report on April 20th

Kamaishi is changing day by day. Temporary shelters have rapidly been being built on grounds, parks, and other clear spaces with the aim of building 5500 shelters to accommodate affected people. All the local officials have being working without any days off and they have become exhausted. Rubble removal is now reaching the final stage. Volunteers at the Self Support Center come and go every Tuesday to work here for 6 nights and 7 days.

We started to work in Ozuchi City which was totally devastated. Matsumoto san, who is a Kyoto city council member, worked diligently and said "we have to support them promptly as the needs in the devastated areas have been changing every second". I totally agree.

Ogata Kayoko san and Kawashima Misako san from "The Brigade of Bakers" have also joined us through Facebook. They graduated from Le Cordon Bleu and bake bread throughout the nights here. Elever san and Sara san, both of whom are French, and Ryoko san also joined us and I told them to exercise their skills. Elever san has worked for Hilton hotels and will cook supper for volunteer staff until the 29th.

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facebook 」恐るべし

その名は「The Brigate of BakersTシャツをつくり、日本、台湾、フランスの共同製造がはじまりました。私の長男の嫁、多田梢も3月菓子学校卒業でさらに製造部長の荘司こずえも加わり、眠らない工房となりました。

English Version:

April 19th, 2011

The Awesome Power of Facebook

A person from a foreign country, moreover, a Frenchman is staying at my house now. His passion to deliver freshly-baked bread to the afflicted people made him move. Everything started with Facebook. Remi Patrick san from Hiroshima was the first baker who arrived here. Higashi san, my friend in Hiroshima, told me that his baguette bread was delicious. However, baguettes are too hard for elderly people to eat. We asked for more soft breads like curry breads, buns topped with bacon, and sweet rolls. Next to arrive was Gyoumu san who works in the bakery section of Carrefour in Taiwan. Gyoumu san and Patrick san exchanged their first greetings of "Bonjour" here in Tono.

Gyomu san collected relief goods in Taiwan and came to my farm with 5 huge boxes to fulfill the mission of delivering the goods to the afflicted sites. Unfortunately, we have no machines to knead bread dough. We just have to knead by hand. To bake 300 loaves of bread, we worked from 10PM to 4 AM for three days and nights.

We made T-shirts with "The Brigade of Bakers" logo. This is the start of a co-production between Japan, Taiwan, and France. My eldest son's wife, Tada Kozue, graduated from a confectionery school this March, and Shoji Kozue, chief of the manufacturing division, also joined our sleepless bakery.

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(English version)

April 18, 2011

Dear Everyone, I am sorry for having no updates in the past week.
I am still alive. I have worked an extraordinarily heavy schedule since April 18. Let me write down the items one by one.

A variety of volunteers are now coming into the disaster area to support us. While the survivors are cheered up by them, we, as local supporters, can learn many things from them.

Mr. Kanichi Orikasa, the chief pâtissier of Boule De Neige, a pastry shop in Sendai, ran to bring us a total of 300 of six sorts of fresh pastries and cakes. Our volunteers shouted for joy as soon as they saw these. One of the foods that can cheer up people is a fresh pastry or cake.

Mr. Orikasa, who completed his apprenticeship in Alsace, France, established his special method to make people feel happy whenever they eat his pastry or cake.

We went to Kamaishi with him and distributed those sweets with care to survivors and to their volunteer supporters one by one. Given such hand-made foods, those who were devastated could feel they were treated respectfully. And I believe it will make them a little more positive to live their own lives again.  A strawberry tart, a cake with fresh cream and strawberry, an omelet-style pastry, a chocolate cake, a cream puff and a cake roll…

Our volunteers are grouped into teams for removing debris and delivering relief goods, working from 8:30 am till 4:00 PM every day. We hold a “Stamina Dinner” event every week. Volunteers who are talented in barbecuing and cooking fried noodles serve their colleagues with their masterful skills.


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1)The brigade of baker」パンの旅団が遠野の多田自然農場の工房で毎日パンを焼き、釜石の被災された方々に送り届けるものです。4月18日遠野入り。アトリエ・ココの草羽祐里さんの紹介で、フランス人シエフ、ルメ・パトリツクさんを知りました。台湾からギョームさんがこの一行に加わり、支援物資85kgと一緒に釜石へ届けられます。19日から25日まで滞在し、日本-フランス-台湾の食の架け橋です。



3)421日、22日 赤坂四川飯店の陳建一さんの息子さん、陳建太郎さん一行10名麻婆豆腐他絶品中華を避難所に届けます。

English Version:

April 17th, 2011

Our project "Concentrate the power of food in Kamaishi" has been receiving much warm support from all over the world. We hope that this project will serve as a stepping stone to recovery. The kind gestures we are receiving makes us conduct every one of our activities with gratitude.

1) "The brigade of bakers" will bake bread at Tada Natural Farm bakery and deliver it to the evacuees. The brigade will come to Tono from April 18th. We were introduced to a French chef, Remi Patrick san, through Kusaba Yuri san of Atelier Coco. Gyomu san from Taiwan will join this brigade and will come to Kamaishi with 85kg of relief goods. All will stay here from the 19th to the 25th. We are forming a bridge between Japan, France, and Taiwan through food.

We heard that graduates of “Le Cordon Bleu” held a charity party at Arisugawa Memorial Park in Hiroo on April 17th. My strongly Tohoku accented Japanese, French, and Taiwanese are echoing over the farm. We really appreciate Kusaba Yuri san and all the members of her confectionery cooking class.

2) From April 20th, Mr. and Mrs. Yoshikawa and Mr. and Mrs. Watanabe, owner of a home-style restaurant Chez Cibio in Kamakura, will drive all the way up here. They will prepare meals for the staff working at the Self Support Center and also help us carry out rubble.

3) On April 21st and 22nd, Chin Kentaro san, son of the famous Chinese cook Chin Kenichi san, is coming with 10 of his companions and will deliver Mabo Tofu (stir-fried tofu in hot sauce) and other delicious authentic Chinese dishes to the evacuation center.

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416日 岩手を代表するパティシエ 織笠さんが避難されている人とボランティアスタッフ計350人分のスイーツを持って自立支援センターに駆けつけてくれました。手作りの生ケーキはふたをあけたとたん、ワァ~オという歓声のこだまが響きわたりました。織笠さん本当にありがとうございます。この夕方、食事はセンター恒例となった焼肉パーティーです。さらに伊瀬さんが鉄板焼きソバをふるまいました。ボランティアは釜石の他に大槌にも出かけています。今日、京都の京丹後からまた2回目の出動として来てくれた新潟、六日町からと全国から集まった28名がスタミナを養っていました。


English Version:

April 16th, 2011

Sweets to cheer

Cherry blossoms have started to bloom in Kamaishi.

On April 16th, Orikasa san, one of the leading patissiers in Iwate, came to the Self Support Center with sweets for 350 evacuees and volunteers. When the lid of the box full of handmade cakes was lifted, the center was filled with delighted voices exclaiming "Aah!" Orikasa san, thank you so much. Dinner was our BBQ party, which is becoming quite a familiar event. Ise san treated us with fried noodles. The staff do volunteer work in Ohtsuchi as well as Kamaishi . 28 staff members recharged their energy. Some have come from Kyotango Kyoto for their second time, and others have come from all over Japan incuding Muikamachi Nigata.

The evacuation center must move forward so that people will be able to stand by themselves. We discussed measures. When moving in temporary homes and vacant houses, kitchen equipment is needed. Noda Yoshiko san of Noda Porcelain Enamel offered us the delivery of a truckload of porcelain enameled cooking pans for homes. We will accept her kind offer. Suzuki san, director of The Local Design Workshop, and Mita san of Kodansha, have come here to conduct on-the-spot research. 

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English Version:

April 15th, 2011

From now on

Kamaishi city is famous for "steel and rugby". The rugby pole was removed and shelters are being built on the rugby grounds where once there was a golden age. I had a conversation with Dr. Kobayashi, who is a psychiatrist and came from Kobe city to support the affected people. In Kobe after the earthquake, people started to move out from the evacuation centers 1 month after the disaster, but in Kamaishi things are different: people are still having to be to forced to evacuate even though 1 month has already passed and many people have difficulty sleeping. Those who lost everything blamed themselves: "Everything is my fault. I did not do such and such by such and such time, so these consequences came to me." Dr. Kobayashi also found some people who lost their family but could not admit their death and repeatedly wrote the names of their family on paper, saying that they must be in a different evacuation center.

People still cannot recover from such a big wound. In Kobe it took 2 years to build temporary houses and 20 years for proper houses. It will take long time before each person can stand up to each problem.

I had a meeting with Ono san. It might be good idea to draw a line on our activities at the evacuation center around mid May.

As many people work in the fishery industry in the city where we engage in our activities, they do not want to flee from their hometown.

We often say in the meeting recently, "what shall we do from now on?"


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English Version:

April 12th, 2011

"Soup to support lives"

Food is power. Ms. Akiko Yanaidani, a instructor of cooking classes in Tokyo, came over to Kamaishi to support Morioka san and Twui san. The trip took 8 hours by car, they arrived in Tono at 3pm. We started cooking a soup called Bonne Femme, stewing potato, carrots, and celery for 100 people at 5pm. Then we prepared spaghetti Bolognese for the volunteers until 12am. We delivered these meals to Kamaishi and heated them up to serve for 60 people on April 12th. As no other foods except hot soup and miso soup are served at the evacuation center twice a day (10am and 5pm), everybody really enjoyed eating our meals.

New volunteers came to the Self Support Center, and now there are 26 volunteers altogether. They clear rubble and help to cook meals for those who are affected by the disaster. At 6pm, we had dinner in the center. We had spaghetti Bolognese with cheese, which was a proper dinner.

We don't have enough staff who can cook, so that sometimes we need to throw away leaf vegetables. I feel really sorry about this. It is said that gods live in details. I feel everything breathing. It is very important to utilize everything, especially in this emergency. We started a project to bring the power of foods to Kamaishi on April 12th, where was devastated the most as far as I saw.

Italian version

“La zuppa che sostiene la vita dei terremotati”
 Il cibo dà l’energia agli uomini. Sono arrivati per darci una mano la Sig.ra Yanaghiya, la organizzattorice di un corso di cucina a Chiyoda di Tokyo, Sig.Morioka e un vietnamita Sig.Tui. Hanno fatto viaggio con macchina per otto ore, e sono arrivati alle tre di pomeriggo da noi, a Toono. Dalle cinque, abbiamo iniziato a cucinare insieme con loro due tipi di zuppa per cento persone. Una era di carne di suino sotto sale con le legumi, e l’atra era di verdure, con patata, carote e sedano, si chiamava Bonfam. Abbiamo messo anche una pentolona sul fuoco per il ragù sino alla mezzanotte che sarebbe finito nello stomaco di sessanta volontari che lavorano per noi. Al 12 Aprile, li abbiamo portati a Kamaishi, e li abbiamo offerti ai sessanta persone rifugiate ad una casa di riposo Senjyu dopo riscaldato con un fornello portatile a gas. La cosa che manca per le persone rifugiate è il cibo caldo come la zuppa di verdura o la zuppa di miso.  Tutte le persone ci hanno ringraziato di averglieli preparati.
Sono arrivati anche i nuovi volontari da nostro centro associazione. Ora, totale di volontari sono  ventisei. Ogni giorno, tutti si impegnano di eliminare le macerie e preparare i cibi per i terremotati.
All’ora di cena, verso le sei, la sala da pranzo diventa una mensa. Il menu di questa sera era di un piatto di spaghetti al ragù. Ognuno ha preso la sua parte dalla pentolona al suo piatto e ci ha messo anche la parmiggiana grattugiata. Era una vera cena italiana.
Ci mancano chi si può oppupare di cucinare. Visto che non ci sono gli esperti di cucina, a volte, siamo costretti di buttiaare le foglie di verdura. Per noi, è un peccato farlo. Si dice che Dio esista anche al punto minuscolo. Ci sentiamo il rispiro della vita da ogni singola cosa. È importante di trarre il massimo vantaggio da tutte le cose che abbiamo d’intorno. Dal 12 Aprile, abbiamo iniziato un progetto, si chiama “la forza del cibo a Kamaishi”.
Strano... Abbiamo visto appena una forza della devastazione.


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ボランティアは寝袋と食べ物を自分で持ってくるのが原則と言われましたが、67日、風呂もない生活。農夫である私だって夕には風呂に入る一時を持ちます。食事はどうしてるのですか? 「テーブルにあるものを食べてます」毎食ですか? 「そうです」 支援センターにある野菜、コメ、みそ、これら材料をみて、おいしい献立をつくれる人、とても必要としています。

English Version:
April 10th, 2011

On April 10th, I went to the Self Support Center to encourage the people there. I was told that many people were waiting for my arrival as I was to bring them ingredients for a BBQ party. Delight of food makes people keep body and soul healthy.

Many people around 30 years old are arriving here from Tokyo, eager to help us. We cleaned rubble all day and made a huge pile on both sides of the roads. We looked for trucks to clean them away but none was available. Let's just take it easy and wait till the time is right.

After cleaning the contaminated water from the hall, we laid a new carpet to arrange the relief goods delivered from all around Japan. We are receiving vegetables and rice, too. People come here to find things that will meet their needs.

The long-awaited BBQ party started at 5:00PM. A total of 30 staff and volunteers ate up 7kg of meat and 5kg of vegetables with our homemade BBQ sauce made from 20 kinds of spices, fruits and soy sauce.

It is a tacit understanding for volunteers to bring their own food and sleeping bag. But 6 nights and 7 days with no bath! Even I, a farmer, enjoy nothing better than taking a bath after work. "How are you doing with your meals?" "Just eating what is on the table" " Every time?" "Yes." We are desperately in need of someone who can fix a nice meal using vegetables, rice, and miso at the Support Center.

Italian version

Report del terremoto Tohoku-Kanto, 10 Aprile
 Il 10 Aprile,siamo andati al centro associazione per la vita autonoma per incoraggiare la gente che sta là. Appena siamo arrivati, abbiamo sentito che molte persone aspettavano al nostro arrivo. Perché gli portiamo il cibo per la grigliata. Il buon cibo fà la gente di tenere sano la mente e il fisico.
 Molti volontari trentenne di Tokyo sono arrivati da noi per darci una mano. Dalla mattina sino alla tarda serata lavorano per eliminare gli immondizi. Ora alle angole di strada ci si trovano le montagne di immondizi messi via da loro. Abbiamo pensato di far portare via questi immondizi con un camion, ma non siamo riusciti a trovare nessuno disponibile. Beh, dobbiamo aspettare il tempo giusto.
 Dopo che abbiamo eliminato via l’acqua sporca dalla sala di nostro centro, ci abbiamo messo un cappeto nuovo per mettere a posto gli soccorsi arrivati da tutto il paese. Abbiamo ricevuto anche la verduda e il riso. Chi se li ha bisogno, li porta via.
 Dalle cinque, abbiamo iniziato la festa di grigliata. Il totale di trenta staff e volontari ha goduto di magiare i 7 chili di carne e 5 chili di verdura con i venti tipi di salsa fatta a casa con le erbe, le frutte e la salsa di soia ecc.
 Di norma i volontari devono portere il sacco a pelo e i cibi con se. Ma per più di sette giorni non possono fare la doccia. Io, come un contadino, il bagno caldo è una cosa migliore della giornata faticosa. “Cosa fai il pasto?” “Mangio qualche cosa che trovo sulla tavola.” “E ogni pasto fai cosi?” “Sì.” Abbiamo bisogno disperatamente una persona che può preparare i pasti con le cose che si trovano al nostro centro per i nostri volontari.