青森県弘前市から10人、釜石へ参上していただきました。「巨大アップルパイ ギネスに挑戦する会」新戸部さんが会長を努める、ユニークな方々です。
English Version:
April 24th, 2011
10 people came to Kamaishi from Hirosaki City, Aomori. They are unique members of The Association of Making Huge Apple Pies to Challenge the Guinness Book of Records.
The apple pie they baked is the largest in Japan: it is 2m 50cm in diameter and made with 400 apples. We set up the facility to bake it for 3 hours and gave the fresh, hot pie to the affected people. We gave a total of 1800 pieces of pie over 2 days. Everybody enjoyed tasting it in Kamaishi Junior High School and Ogawa gymnastic hall. We served pie to the local officials of Kamaishi City including the deputy Mayor and received their appreciation. On the way back home, they enjoyed my ice cream. I cannot help but appreciate those who support us by bringing all the necessary equipment by 4-ton truck. New meetings like this bring human chemical reactions to help Japan keep moving forward. Japanese strength is the strength of each one of us.
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