小川体育館 |
今消費と販売の前線で、異常なことが起きています。まず、ヨーグルト、納豆、プリンの販売が再スタートしたのですが、1週間かかって売っていた量を一日で販売してしまう。スーパーでは売っていないのか? まず、原料の手当てができない。私は毎日資材の確保と工場の稼働率、物流の点検を大声を張り上げています。死にもの狂いで働くとはこういうことなのか。
English Version:
English Version:
April 6th, 2011
On April 5th, we ran our 4th "Cozy and Warm Bus Service Project for the People of Kamaishi". Participants invited today were those who were evacuated to the Ogawa gym. Most of them are engaged in the fisheries industry. They have lost their homes, ships, and even their families.
At the time when participants get on the bus, everyone looks so irritated. It is always difficult to find what to say. The tour starts in an oppressive atmosphere. Communication between the people of Hirata and Shirahama is based on fisheries and local area industry. Conversation starts gradually with time. The hot springs help people to open up. It is important to sometimes get away from the evacuation centers. Delicious food also brings a smile to everyone's face.
Currently, something abnormal is going on in the front lines of consumption and distribution. Sales of yogurt, natto, and pudding has restarted. The volume of sales which took a week to sell is now sold in a day. Don't they sell any at supermarkets? First, we can't prepare the ingredients. I am screaming out to obtain materials, check the capacity rate of our factory, and manage the distribution. I have come to know for the first time what it is to work frantically.
The railway between Kamaishi and Tono has reopened at last. The huge tsunami surged over Kamaishi station, turning cars upside down. We are finally able to escape from being an isolated land.
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