その思いを受けて、四川飯店 陳建一さん総勢9名が被災地のど真ん中で腕をふるっていただきました。
English Version:
April 22nd, 2011
Desire to serve delicious Mabo tofu to the evacuees in Kamaishi
Desire to serve delicious Mabo tofu to the evacuees in Kamaishi
To cater to such passion, Chin Kenichi san and 8 other cooks from Szechwan Restaurant came and demonstrated their cooking skills right in the middle of the site.
Chin Kenichi san, Chin Kentaro san, executive chef Komoda san, chief cook Suzuki san, and several other famed cooks who represent the Chinese culinary field served Mabo Tofu (stir-fried tofu in hot sauce), Chinese rice bowl, corn soup, mango pudding, bottled chili oil, and soda water one by one offering warm words. The people of Kamaishi really appreciated this care. City official Hirota san said in appreciation, "Chin san is the first person to visit and cook at this disaster site. We are truly grateful for what he has done for us."
They prepared 200 meals on the 21st, but as an unexpected number of people came, the next day they served dishes for 400 people, including 100 to encourage evacuees in Senjuin. We really thank Szechwan Restaurant. They went back on 2 4-ton trucks taking back their garbage as well, showing us a true volunteer attitude. The people who enjoyed the dishes said that they really cheered up.
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