
「泳げ釜石くん」プロジェクト ver10


毎日戸別回り、毎月2回 大炊き出し食事コミュニティーづくりをしています。


大変喜ばれるのが、「足湯とマッサージ」 外へ出て体を動かす。これは意識してやらなければいけません。




English version

Delivering food and individual consultation

As I’ve already mentioned, our monthly activities are “daily field work” and “food delivery twice a month aiming to create community”.

There are 40 houses in the Tonicho temporary residential area. As 2/3 of the residents are from the same community, there is already a friendly atmosphere. Most of them used to work as fishermen, but only 13 out of 40 stayed with this work. They’ve already set the seaweed for cultivation, and are getting ready for salmon almadraba.

When we hold a food delivery event, we include some other services, the most popular of which is “Ashiyu: footbath and massage”. Our services are meant to get the residents’ attention, to get them out of their houses, and to move even for just a little time. They need intentional effort to get their bodies moving.

There are also 40 houses in the Kasshi temporary residential area.

We often have the event on a nice, clear day, which suggests a good result. Here, residents are from different areas by lot, so that there is no sense of community. They need more opportunities to meet each other.

This announcement with warm pictures is handwritten by Ms. Murakami. It always makes people feel welcomed and eager to join in.


「泳げ釜石くん」プロジェクト ver9


毎日 私の別荘を本部にして活動する、日置君と村上さんは釜石の仮設住宅を各個別訪問している。これは地道な活動です。居住者と顔を合わせ、現在の状況をアンケートし、内閣府に情報として伝達する。そして国の政策を具体的に話をして、何ができるか、お知らせする仕事をしている。そして住民から健康の問題、住宅での不満を行政(釜石市)に伝達し、解決へ導いている。現在、各NGOは撤退、縮小の方向と、単純な作業が減っている中、われわれは、戦略を定めて、活動している。




English Version

Field study in a temporary residential area

Mr. Hioki and Ms. Murakami, whose base is located in my second home, visit individual residents in a temporary house, which is a job that requires patience and continuous energy. Every day, they meet residents, conduct a survey on the current situation, record when the information is gathered, and then report to the government. At the same time, they describe the measures the government has taken to support the residents. Sometimes, residents have issues around health or housing, which are reported and then taken care of by appropriate organizations.

Now, many activities of NGOs are simple clerical tasks, and they have to either pull out or shrink the size of their activities. However, our activity is expanding. We come up with our own strategy and execute it, and our activity is more and more recognized and respected by the residents and the local government.

1. Creating a community
At temporary housing, residents don’t know who their neighbors are. The problem here is how to create a community.

2. Health problems
The great majority of residents is over 65 years old. After the massive earthquake in March, their blood pressure increased about 20-30%. This is often caused by lack of sleep and rapid change in the environment.

3. Ameliorate housing conditions
The recent typhoon made it rain very hard every day, causing puddles on the ground and ceiling leaks. We informed the local government to have it fixed.


「泳げ釜石くん」プロジェクト ver8

釜石 仮設住宅 昭和園にて -大炊き出し会と個別相談実行-

8月7日 120戸が入居する昭和園 仮設住宅で、コミュニティーづくりと各個人の個別相談会を実施しました。避難所にいる時、プライバシーの保護が必要であったが、仮設住宅に入居すると、だれがどこに住んでいるのかまったくわからず、聞けば「個人情報のため教えられない」。抽選で仮設住宅に入るし、隣の人が誰かわからないため、コミュニケーションの力をこの炊き出しとおいしい食でつけよう、さらに個別相談のため、医師、弁護士、税理士、理学療法士、作業療法士が住民と触れ合い、それぞれの問題を語り合いました。そして老眼鏡を並べ、杖も準備し、高齢者の多い釜石では大盛況でした。

今日のメニュー 多田克彦の野菜と、米を喰った豚肉の丼もの、そして多田民子さんのお手製タレ、つけもの、みそ汁、かき氷。午前11時になると、続々と住民が集まり、顔を合わせてコミュニケーション。おいしい食は人を元気にします。



English Version

At temporary residential area Showaen: Delivering food and individual consultations

On August 7th at a temporary residential area in Showaen where 120 houses are located, we cooked and delivered food to the residents for the purpose of making community. During this activity we also had individual consultations to support each one's independent life.

At the evacuation center, privacy protection is the key issue, but now that the survivors have moved into temporary houses, no one is allowed to know who stays in which house. The reason: “to protect privacy”. You choose the area where you want to stay and your particular house is given to you by lot. You don’t know who are the people next door; there is no communication. Our aim is to keep people together through food delivery, and to give each individual a consultation. We have brought doctors, lawyers, accountants, physiotherapists, and occupational therapists to help people deal with their issues. Because we know the population aging rate is very high throughout Kamaishi, we took many reading glasses and walking sticks with us, which seems to have made people talk more.

Today’s menu: my vegetables and a rice bowl dish with cooked pork in a special sauce that my mother Tami made. Pickled vegetables, miso soup, and cracked ice. At 11 o’clock, people came out one after another. When they meet, that’s when conversation starts. Delicious food can make people happy and healthy.

We come into contact with many varieties of drama. One couple took time to come up to me and said “ Nothing ever tasted this good after the earthquake. We really enjoyed the meal today, Thank you so much.”

I felt that establishing a clear role for each group, ARR, RESULTS.J, and Calitas J, was the key for good collaboration.

「泳げ釜石くん」プロジェクト ver7

国連大学 基調講演とシンポジウム「吠える」

8月5日 東京青山にある国連大学で吠えてきました。

私は岩手の先人、新渡戸稲造先生の日本で初めて書かれた農業書、明治31年に刊行になった「農業本論」からひもときました。遠野物語の著書、柳田国男先生の日本の農民史から導きだされた、農民の歴史は無念であることの意味を語り、そして聖書。パウロの生き方から「絶望を希望に導くには、、、」 語ることは多くありました。

今回北里大副学長 陽先生としばし昼食をはさんで話し合えたことは、収穫でした。シンポジウムの司会でもいい話が飛び出しました。学術の知の分断を統合化する必要があること、大震災の経験から、サムシンググレートの存在を学生に教える必要がある、という示唆は重要だと感じました。


English Version

Making a keynote speech at a symposium in United Nations University: “Raising questions”.

On August 5th, I spoke at United Nations University in Aoyama, Tokyo. I’ve been forced to believe that the massive earthquake tested scholars’ capabilities. I was quite curious to see how scholars would approach and make hypotheses under such an unexpected situation.

This symposium was coordinated by my friend, Ann MacDonald, who does studies in Kanazawa. The theme was how to reactivate the country's mountains and the sea. There were 200 participants. I was the first speaker. I talked about my ideas and philosophy. In this kind of symposium, when you talk about true cruel reality, it doesn’t get to people's hearts because they have already felt a simulated experience through the media. You have to focus on the future. 

I began my speech with the very first book on agriculture, “Nogyo Honron”, by Inazo Nitobe, published in 1898. Then I referred to the ideas of Kunio Yanagita, the writer of “Tono Monogatari”. He talked about the sad history of farmers in Japan. Then The Bible: I introduced the idea of “how to tranform despair to hope” by the way Paul lived. There was so much to talk about.

It was such a great opportunity for me to talk over lunch with Mr. Minami, vice-president of Kitasato University. He mentioned some very interesting points while moderating the symposium. He said compartmentalized knowledge in the academic fields need to be merged. Also, from the disaster experience in March, they as scholars should teach students that there IS something great. 

Passion keeps up speaking and action, which changes this country.