毎日 私の別荘を本部にして活動する、日置君と村上さんは釜石の仮設住宅を各個別訪問している。これは地道な活動です。居住者と顔を合わせ、現在の状況をアンケートし、内閣府に情報として伝達する。そして国の政策を具体的に話をして、何ができるか、お知らせする仕事をしている。そして住民から健康の問題、住宅での不満を行政(釜石市)に伝達し、解決へ導いている。現在、各NGOは撤退、縮小の方向と、単純な作業が減っている中、われわれは、戦略を定めて、活動している。
English Version
Field study in a temporary residential area
Mr. Hioki and Ms. Murakami, whose base is located in my second home, visit individual residents in a temporary house, which is a job that requires patience and continuous energy. Every day, they meet residents, conduct a survey on the current situation, record when the information is gathered, and then report to the government. At the same time, they describe the measures the government has taken to support the residents. Sometimes, residents have issues around health or housing, which are reported and then taken care of by appropriate organizations.
Now, many activities of NGOs are simple clerical tasks, and they have to either pull out or shrink the size of their activities. However, our activity is expanding. We come up with our own strategy and execute it, and our activity is more and more recognized and respected by the residents and the local government.
1. Creating a community
At temporary housing, residents don’t know who their neighbors are. The problem here is how to create a community.
2. Health problemsThe great majority of residents is over 65 years old. After the massive earthquake in March, their blood pressure increased about 20-30%. This is often caused by lack of sleep and rapid change in the environment.
3. Ameliorate housing conditionsThe recent typhoon made it rain very hard every day, causing puddles on the ground and ceiling leaks. We informed the local government to have it fixed.
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