
「泳げ釜石くん」プロジェクト ver7

国連大学 基調講演とシンポジウム「吠える」

8月5日 東京青山にある国連大学で吠えてきました。

私は岩手の先人、新渡戸稲造先生の日本で初めて書かれた農業書、明治31年に刊行になった「農業本論」からひもときました。遠野物語の著書、柳田国男先生の日本の農民史から導きだされた、農民の歴史は無念であることの意味を語り、そして聖書。パウロの生き方から「絶望を希望に導くには、、、」 語ることは多くありました。

今回北里大副学長 陽先生としばし昼食をはさんで話し合えたことは、収穫でした。シンポジウムの司会でもいい話が飛び出しました。学術の知の分断を統合化する必要があること、大震災の経験から、サムシンググレートの存在を学生に教える必要がある、という示唆は重要だと感じました。


English Version

Making a keynote speech at a symposium in United Nations University: “Raising questions”.

On August 5th, I spoke at United Nations University in Aoyama, Tokyo. I’ve been forced to believe that the massive earthquake tested scholars’ capabilities. I was quite curious to see how scholars would approach and make hypotheses under such an unexpected situation.

This symposium was coordinated by my friend, Ann MacDonald, who does studies in Kanazawa. The theme was how to reactivate the country's mountains and the sea. There were 200 participants. I was the first speaker. I talked about my ideas and philosophy. In this kind of symposium, when you talk about true cruel reality, it doesn’t get to people's hearts because they have already felt a simulated experience through the media. You have to focus on the future. 

I began my speech with the very first book on agriculture, “Nogyo Honron”, by Inazo Nitobe, published in 1898. Then I referred to the ideas of Kunio Yanagita, the writer of “Tono Monogatari”. He talked about the sad history of farmers in Japan. Then The Bible: I introduced the idea of “how to tranform despair to hope” by the way Paul lived. There was so much to talk about.

It was such a great opportunity for me to talk over lunch with Mr. Minami, vice-president of Kitasato University. He mentioned some very interesting points while moderating the symposium. He said compartmentalized knowledge in the academic fields need to be merged. Also, from the disaster experience in March, they as scholars should teach students that there IS something great. 

Passion keeps up speaking and action, which changes this country.

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