高校生リーダー塾 -全国から集う160名の高校生と考えた-
Japan Future Leaders School: Sharing ideas with 160 high school students from all over Japan.
Every summer, Fukuoka City in the Kyushu region heats up with enthusiasm of young Nationwide high school students. The key figure in the activity is the executive administrator, Ms. Akiko Kato. Her passion keeps this school program alive. Because of the serious disaster in Tohoku this May, she had a sense of crisis that forced a pause in the activity this year. However, people encouraged her saying it’s even more important to hold the event in a time like this. To provide encouragement, students in Iwate, Miyagi, and Fukushima Prefectures are invited at no charge.
I talked about my thoughts, and what I did specifically after the disaster in March on the way to Kamaishi from Tono. I talked more about “followership” rather than “leadership”. What is “followership”?
It’s the attitude to stand back while observing carefully, thinking what needs to be done to move on at a normal situation. And at a critical situation, the follower himself takes initiative. This idea was created by Professor Kinji Imanishi and his staff in the so-called “Kyoto School”.
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