

日本リザルツ 遠野にベースを置く

日本リザルツの事務局長 白須さんは、NGOとして海外、特にハイチの支援で実績をあげているが、災害直後から岩手に何度も足を運んでいる。


English Version:

RESULTS Japan, locating a base in Tono.

Ms. Shirasu, RESULTS’ executive director, has a track record of NGO support activity outside Japan, especially in Haiti. Since very soon after the earthquake, she has come to Iwate many times.

Using her experiences abroad, she has engaged in reconstruction assistance in the affected areas in Japan. I have an open house for the activities and let 2 workers stay there.

Everyday, they visit temporary houses in Kamaishi and Ohtsuchi. They explain in simple terms the policy the Japanese government will carry out in the near future to the people and offer individual consultation in the temporary houses.

The 2 workers are Mr. Hiroki and Ms. Murakami. In addition to them, RESULTS J has hired Mr. Sakuma, who had lost his job in Kamaishi, as a driver. They ascertain the true local situation and proceed with their work fully everyday. 

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