
「泳げ釜石くん」プロジェクト ver5

出向いて語る -現状から私達は何を学び、何を目指すか-

広島でパトリックさん、アトリエココ代表 草羽さんと皆さんで震災を語り合う。



アトリエココ 草羽さんと広島の方々20名と震災活動の報告と話し合い


English Version

For discussion: “What shall we learn from reality? And, what goals shall we pursue?”

In Hiroshima, I discussed the disaster with Patric, a bakery owner, Ms. Kusaba, a representative of Atrie CoCo, and her staff.

If you review my blog, Patric, a Frenchman, came to my factory at a very hectic time in April, and baked bread. This led to several more people, some French some Japanese, to come to Tono one after the other. Here they made such a great effort to bake 300 loaves of bread everyday.

Patric is now in Higashi-Hiroshima and has a shop named “Lapain”. I wanted to visit him and his wife and thank them both for their support in April. On July 29th, a very hot day, I visited his bakery. I was quite surprised to see the number of people driving to his place for bread. He once told me when he first opened the shop 6 years ago, he had no customers at all and didn’t know what to do. However, perseverance brings success.

It was clear that with his great personality and talent in baking, he managed to create his present situation.It’s astonishing to see him baking 40 kinds of bread everyday, and selling them at a small shop in a residential area of such a quiet country side.

Patric and his wife were in Bigo’s factory in Kobe when the enormous earthquake damaged the Kansai area.

They have a strong will to “support the disaster area”. Now he is using our “Yukichikara” wheat powder to make incredibly good French baguettes. I take seriously his willingness to “transfer baking skill to support recovery in Iwate” shown in the baguette. I’ll send one of my staff to his bakery this November, and have her learn the skill. I’m formulating a plan to have someone do it as a business in Kamaishi.

Ms. Kusaba offers French confectionery classes in Hiroshima. She always uses my products and vegetables.

On this day, she had made one of Iwate’s local cuisines, “Hittumi”, and treated me with it. I enjoyed talking with oyster and pork producers there.

Hiroshima has experienced the devastation of atomic bombing. Now Tohoku is experiencing radiation effects from the atomic plant in Fukushima. Who ever faces the true fact has to bear witness to the truth of history and let it go forward.

Rice straw in one area have been contaminated by cesium. Meat cows ate that rice straw, which alarmed everyone in Japan. Invisible radiation can naturally give fear to consumers, who are asking about milk safety.

I will be the witness and make a clear message to the society that the atomic plant is no longer valuable.

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