English Version:
山形出身の作家、佐藤賢一氏は、「静かなる東北」という一文を載せている。「東北は悪いことがないとニュースにならない。普段は話題らしい話題もない。これだけの災害なのに、大きな声で泣くでも、騒ぐでもなく、目の前の作業に徹している。一面では正しいと思いながら、他面では正しくないと思い、当の東北人としては複雑である」とのべながら、作家 井上ひさしが生前取りあげた 斎藤茂吉(山形出身)の名歌をあげている。
「最上川 逆白波のたつまでに ふぶくゆうべとなりにけるかも」
ふぅ ぶぅ くぅ ゆぅ べぇ 母音の使い方がすごい。
つまらないほど静かな日々をこそ、必ず取り戻してみせる。English Version:
We are going to resume our activities in Kamaishi.
Five months have passed since the massive earthquakes occurred. Since May, I my own work has been very hectic, so “I did what was required”, paying constant attention to rapid changes in the disaster area.
Journalists and scholars visited us one after another, which led us to exchange views. I was imagining how Sanriku, Iwate, and especially Tohoku, would change, or rather how they SHOULD change.
I visited Kamaishi, Ohtsuchi, Kirikiri, and the Namiita seaside many times. The beautiful seashore, which I saw with pride last year, has disappeared totally because of the land sinkage. The resort hotel was severly damaged by the Tsunami. I stood there in vain asking myself if there is still any power of recovery left in this area. We have to accept the facts as they are, I must think deeply, and talk with clear and steady philosopy. Time can help me develop an attitude of steady calmness to accept what has happened, and give me a deeper sense of self.
The author Kenichi Sato, born in Yamagata Prefecture, wrote “Silent Tohoku”. He claims: “Nothing gets on the news except when a negative incident occers. In everyday life, there is nothing that we can call ‘topics’. Even after such a huge disaster, no one cries out nor complains, they simply do the work in front of them. On one hand, I feel it’s right but on the other, I feel it’s not right. I have a complex feeling as a citizen Tohoku.” He refered to a famous poem written by Mokichi Saito (also a Yamagata native), who the auther Hisashi Inoue introduced:
“Mogamigawa Sakashiranami no tatsumade ni Fubuku Yube to narini keru kamo”.
How he chose the words “Fu Bu Ku Yu Be”, which match the rhyme, is incredible.
Out of 6 vowels, 5 of them are “u”, whispered and not opening the mouth too wide. In northen Tohoku, where it gets very cold, when you open your mouth too wide, your lungs will be affected by the freezing air. It’s our wisdom to survive in a severe natural environment.
The Tohoku silence is the strength that saves everyday life steadily.
We will truly regain those quiet and uninteresting days.
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