日本リザルツと骨髄バンクの連動で、5万粒のアサガオの種子が私のところに到着しました。 日置君が毎日私の畑から土を取り、播種し、 芽を出させ、ポットに移し、苗を育てて、仮設住宅にもっていく。仮設住宅各戸に育苗土と花植えトレーをもって育ててもらっています。
育苗土と花植トレーは、難民を助ける会から協力してもらいましたが、仙台のジャンヌ・ダルクこと、横山英子さんのパワーが活かされました。 配布は釜石カトリック教会のボランティアの皆さんにも協力いただきました。
English Version
Starting the "Flower Project"
To provide a green curtain, and to enrich the mind and heart, we have started the “Flower Project”.
The flower is the “morning glory”. In cooperation with RESULTS.J and The Bone Marrow Bank in Nigata, 50000 morning glory seeds were sent to us. Mr. Hioki of RESULTS.J comes every morning to my farm to take some soil and sow seeds. When the first sprouts appear, each thin seedling is put into a flower pot. After a few days, they are ready to leave my farm. They are then taken by Mr. Hioki to each temporary house and the residents bring up the seedlings.
The soil and the flower pots were made possible with the cooperation of the Association for Aid and Relief, Japan (AAR). We were connected with them thanks to someone we call “Jeanne d'Arc” in Sendai, Ms.Eiko Yokoyama. Volunteer workers from the Catholic church in Kamaishi helped with delivering.
Because we are already in late stages, we have fewer varieties of flowers. However, we’ll make good use of the ability of flowers.
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