English version
On September 11th, the food delivery event which we do twice a month was held in Kasshi, Kamaishi. We cooked and delivered food to the residents for the purpose of building community. During this activity we also had individual consultations to support each one's independent life.
On September 11th, the food delivery event which we do twice a month was held in Kasshi, Kamaishi. We cooked and delivered food to the residents for the purpose of building community. During this activity we also had individual consultations to support each one's independent life.
There are 40 houses. These temporary houses were built later than others. The later the houses were built, the more satisfaction residents tend to have. These residents are happier than those of other areas because roads between houses are paved with asphalt and there are street lamps. The walls of these houses are thicker so residents aren't bothered with noises from next door.
At about 11:30 in the morning, we started delivering food, a hamburger and cooked chicken on rice bowl. We prepared 70 dishes with miso soup and strawberry pudding for dessert.
Food can make people smile and develops a friendly atmosphere.
The most popular item is massage.
During individual consultation, there were comments such as "willing to leave temporary housing but that means we have to have overlapping debt", "started having flash backs of the tsunami after settling down in temporary housing", "even after starting a new job, it's not enough to pay the debt", and "the situation is quite different among areas of temporary housing".
Relieving frustrations can keep people healthy.
We included one particular question regarding whether a residents' association should be organized at the temporary residential area and we got 70% positive replies.
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