English Version:
August 30th 2011
On July 17, we distributed cooked food at the parking lot of a clothing shop, Kamaishi Mac House.
A total of 40 volunteers from The Association for Aid and Relief, Japan (AAR), RESULTS.J, Caritas.J, members of Akiko Yanagiya cooking school, and Mac house workers gathered and cooked 600 meals. The menu this time was cooked Hokke (a kind of fish caught in the northern fishery), rice, miso soup, and tsukemono (a kind of pickled vegetable).
The fish was char-broiled, and the rice and miso soup were prepared right there.
“Deliver food energy to Kamaishi” has been the concept since March 13th. Thanks go out to Mr. Katoh of Peace Project. He is, so to speak, our lifesaver. He came to Kamaishi with a big truck and brought a lot of supplies when I first started deliveries to the evacuees.The executive director of RESULTS.J, Ms. Shirasu, and her staff distributed morning glory seeds and seedlings for free along with government brochures. The members of Akiko Yanagi cooking school took on cooking and setting the plates, while Mac house workers sweat as they broiled the fish. We all worked hard and it was quite a success.
From evacuation center to temporary houses. Now each individual has to leave the group and fight alone.
The key words are “self-sustainability and community”.
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