
東日本大震災 最前線レポート4/17


1)The brigade of baker」パンの旅団が遠野の多田自然農場の工房で毎日パンを焼き、釜石の被災された方々に送り届けるものです。4月18日遠野入り。アトリエ・ココの草羽祐里さんの紹介で、フランス人シエフ、ルメ・パトリツクさんを知りました。台湾からギョームさんがこの一行に加わり、支援物資85kgと一緒に釜石へ届けられます。19日から25日まで滞在し、日本-フランス-台湾の食の架け橋です。



3)421日、22日 赤坂四川飯店の陳建一さんの息子さん、陳建太郎さん一行10名麻婆豆腐他絶品中華を避難所に届けます。

English Version:

April 17th, 2011

Our project "Concentrate the power of food in Kamaishi" has been receiving much warm support from all over the world. We hope that this project will serve as a stepping stone to recovery. The kind gestures we are receiving makes us conduct every one of our activities with gratitude.

1) "The brigade of bakers" will bake bread at Tada Natural Farm bakery and deliver it to the evacuees. The brigade will come to Tono from April 18th. We were introduced to a French chef, Remi Patrick san, through Kusaba Yuri san of Atelier Coco. Gyomu san from Taiwan will join this brigade and will come to Kamaishi with 85kg of relief goods. All will stay here from the 19th to the 25th. We are forming a bridge between Japan, France, and Taiwan through food.

We heard that graduates of “Le Cordon Bleu” held a charity party at Arisugawa Memorial Park in Hiroo on April 17th. My strongly Tohoku accented Japanese, French, and Taiwanese are echoing over the farm. We really appreciate Kusaba Yuri san and all the members of her confectionery cooking class.

2) From April 20th, Mr. and Mrs. Yoshikawa and Mr. and Mrs. Watanabe, owner of a home-style restaurant Chez Cibio in Kamakura, will drive all the way up here. They will prepare meals for the staff working at the Self Support Center and also help us carry out rubble.

3) On April 21st and 22nd, Chin Kentaro san, son of the famous Chinese cook Chin Kenichi san, is coming with 10 of his companions and will deliver Mabo Tofu (stir-fried tofu in hot sauce) and other delicious authentic Chinese dishes to the evacuation center.

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